Lisa Uebelacker, Ph.D

Co-Director of Behavioral Health Research, Associate Professor (Research), Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and the Department of Family Medicine

Dr. Lisa Uebelacker's research focuses on yoga and health education as an adjunctive intervention to target depression and other mental health problems, and the integration of behavior health interventions into primary care settings. She is the Co-Director of Behavior Health Research at the Center for Primary Care and Prevention at Memorial. She is also part of the Psychosocial Research Group at Butler Hospital. Her research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Rhode Island Foundation.

My Brown University Research Page

Selected Publications

Weinstock LM, Strong D, Uebelacker LA, Miller IW. Differences in depression symptom endorsement between bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: lessons learned from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Bipolar Disord. 2012 Dec 12. PMID: 23231053

Ahern DK, Stinson LJ, Uebelacker LA, Wroblewski JP, McMurray JH, Eaton CB. E-health blood pressure control program. J Med Pract Manage. 2012 Sep-Oct;28(2):91-100. PMID: 23167022

Battle CL, Uebelacker LA, Magee SR. Patient-centered care for antenatal depression. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Nov;207(5):e10-1;. PMID: 22917485

Whisman MA, Uebelacker LA. A longitudinal investigation of marital adjustment as a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Health Psychol. 2012 Jan;31(1):80-6. PMID: 22004463

Uebelacker LA, Marootian BA, Tigue P, Haggarty R, Primack JM, Miller IW. Telephone depression care management for Latino Medicaid health plan members: a pilot randomized controlled trial. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2011 Sep;199(9):678-83. PMID: 21878782

Uebelacker LA, German NM, Gaudiano BA, Miller IW. Patient health questionnaire depression scale as a suicide screening instrument in depressed primary care patients: a cross-sectional study. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2011;13(1). PMID: 21731830

Uebelacker LA, Strong D, Weinstock LM, Miller IW. Likelihood of suicidality at varying levels of depression severity: a re-analysis of NESARC data. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2010 Dec;40(6):620-7. PMID: 21198331

Battle CL, Uebelacker LA, Howard M, Castaneda M. Prenatal yoga and depression during pregnancy. Birth. 2010 Dec;37(4):353-4. PMID: 21083731

Uebelacker LA, Tremont G, Epstein-Lubow G, Gaudiano BA, Gillette T, Kalibatseva Z, Miller IW. Open trial of Vinyasa yoga for persistently depressed individuals: evidence of feasibility and acceptability. Behav Modif. 2010 May;34(3):247-64. PMID: 20400694

Uebelacker LA, Weisberg RB, Strong DR, Smith M, Miller IW. Time-invariant and time-varying predictors of depression symptoms in primary care patients. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2009;11(6):322-9. PMID: 20098524

Uebelacker LA, Epstein-Lubow G, Gaudiano BA, Tremont G, Battle CL, Miller IW. >Hatha yoga for depression: critical review of the evidence for efficacy, plausible mechanisms of action, and directions for future research. J Psychiatr Pract. 2010 Jan;16(1):22-33. PMID: 20098228

Uebelacker LA, Smith M, Lewis AW, Sasaki R, Miller IW. Treatment of depression in a low-income primary care setting with colocated mental health care. Fam Syst Health. 2009 Jun;27(2):161-71. PMID: 19630457

Uebelacker LA, Weisberg RB, Haggarty R, Miller IW. Adapted behavior therapy for persistently depressed primary care patients: an open trial. Behav Modif. 2009 May;33(3):374-95. PMID: 19282506

Uebelacker LA, Battle CL, Friedman MA, Cardemil EV, Beevers CG, Miller IW. The importance of interpersonal treatment goals for depressed inpatients. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2008 Mar;196(3):217-22. PMID: 18340257

Uebelacker LA, Hecht J, Miller IW. The family check-up: a pilot study of a brief intervention to improve family functioning in adults. Fam Process. 2006 Jun;45(2):223-36. PMID: 16768020