Conflict of Interest Policy

It is the policy of Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island ("MHRI" or "Hospital") to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the regulations set forth at 42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F and at 45 CFR Part 94 issued by the Public Health Service ("PHS") of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("DHHS"), concerning the disclosure, management and reporting of financial conflicts of interest with respect to PHS-funded research.

Before engaging in research funded by the PHS, all Covered Persons must complete a program of training that tis deemed satisfactory under this Policy. Covered Persons must renew their training no less frequently than every four years.

This following programs of training satisfy this policy:

Each Covered Person is to submit to the Grant Accounting Office documentation evidencing his or her successful completion of one of these modes of training. Additional training will be required within 60 days if MHRI revises its conflict of interest policy in a way that affects the requirements applicable to investigators, when an investigator is new to MHRI, or when an investigator fails to comply with this policy or an imposed FCOI management plan.

To download the MHRI Conflict of Interest Form, click here.
To download the PHS Funded Research documentation, click here